Monday, April 19, 2010

It's been so long since i posted.
Well aint exactly felt like posting in the first place anywayss.
9 days have gone and i still cant exactly believe that we got a silver.
I mean... after the judge said the S word i felt like
Punching the guy out
Asking him random questions that will make him say he was kidding.
i really didnt expect it you knoww?

I am disappointed. Not disappointed at the band but more like the fact that we could only scrape the gold in 1mm more distance.

After the results, we went to perform for the school and when we thanked WSMB, it was one thanks that i put my whole heart into it.
I cried like fuck that day. Like seriously. And 50 % of my friends didnt believe me. LOL.
I really hope that we can get a gold for 2012 SYF. Im really going to give in my best this time. I have to. At least, WSMB had a journey that made us become a MUCH MUCH better band. I hope the next time, we can get MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better and get the fucking gold we want so much. I hope that our goal to the gold will show for the next SYF.

No matter what we got i still love WSMB TO THE CORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WEll, now adays was seriosuly tiring. I realised i missed out alot on work.
Esp. chinese which sucks.
Well i gotta studyyy :D byeee.

I still cant believe that i liked you.
You asked what happened to me?
I ask what happened to YOU?

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