Wednesday, June 30, 2010

HEeee HEeee
Had band todayy :D YAYS!
i feel so stupid -.-'' Did 20 push ups for nothing .
what the hell
Class was alrite as usual. LOL rachel was funny ! Look at the present then scream! Look again then SCREAM again. haiz.
haha , then got PE...
Haiz i should skip rope now. I really am short. :(
Oh weeelllll?!
Haah so many LOL here LOL. :/ i did it again LOL! and AGAIN!!
LOL (:/)
had miss aw for english.
I think english is gonna be finally USEFUL to us or to me man?!
Than teacher rocked alott to me.
Then had sci. Teacher didnt come.
Then FT period. No more Ace ?! :0
So HAPPY! haha
then had band. I realised i lost my specs. Oh shit.. im sooo dead larh :(
Haizz... 2nd time lerhs. so many dishonest ppl around, nvr return to lost and found corner. Hmp
Cant help it lorh.. change seat i guess.
the had band! YEAH! :)
I lovee band so much man. Its not just TALK its REAL. I felt so happy when we marched for the IMM thingy... although it was little. Wish i can do the NDP one.. but must be fair yah knoww? Liddat, i become selfish.
Haiz. im a selfish person too.. LOL We're humans canthelp it. :I
Aft band.. went home. Homed with belinda and yingwen. Haikal and owen and lastly darren.
Ai hui had other stuff haha Miss herr soo! :)
well, ai hui arh,... sometimes i also scared of our very close bond you know? I think if we have a conflict or something liddat, ill break down and cry like bullshitting .. :(So yeahh... I hope that we will stay close forever. You're really the closest friend, gan i have. And you care so much about me. :) i can thelp but to love you alot. :)) LOL childish boys call us lesbian. LOL HAH! No larhhh! we very close. Like twins liddat. You know when im down , i also know when your sad.. sometimes ><.. Haha. im always here for you to lean on yeah? Cause you're really my bestest of best friend. i appreciate band alot, for letting me meet you :)
Thanks for giving a chance to me to become your friend. If not for this chance, We might not have been friends at all :(
Love forever :) Haha!


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