Saturday, July 3, 2010

I found hymn to the sea score.
Like finally.
But i have to alter it abit,
Because the piano score and the other instrument one is different.
Cant be helped.
How isit tht yi hao can find it fast and i cant.
that suckzz. :(
Haiz Thanks Yihao.
Your not useless son. LOL well technically your not useless.
Cause i picked you jolene and chingching from the dustbin lol/
Well Thanks alot yeah :D
I wastched EclipsE!! with evelyn and rachel and ying wen.
JAcob= besides im hotter than you
Edward= Stares silently*
Was freakinglishy funny..
wait is there sucha word (?)
Well who cares, as long as you know what i mean.
It was so funny when victoria head went smash and dropped to the floor.
No blood at all :(
Riley is hot, Too bad he's the bad guy.
Oh well, Cant help it.
Hmmm sorry ai hui!
I really didnt know that the notice board was to be done on friday.
Im really really so soo sorry.
I mean it. :(
well, i hate elderick(?)edrick(?) wadever his name is.
I hate him
Fuck you man... You can't differeciate that im a S-Korean? Isit?
Your eyes blind arh? Your ears deaf arh?
I got talk about you hmm? I dont remember.
All i remember is that i ignored you because you were such a annoyance to me.
Get you facts straight yeah ?
Because you looked damn stupid about telling me rubbish when everyone else knew it was fake.
Did you notice that no one was laughing at your joke?
Don't piss me off will you?
And dont make lame jokes.
Everyone gets tired of them everday.
Oh and here's a tip for you,
if you're sure that you're not deaf or anything, try to pay attention,
Its bring you down alot. :)

Well peeps,
Ill probably erase the pissed off part when i cooled off but yeah
You people can probably tell what happened.

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