Sunday, March 14, 2010

The best DAMNED THING. lolsss

My birthday. Rachel, Jolene, Chingx2 and the class planned a surprise party for me.
I'll replay the whole thing for you.
I went to the classroom and saw this HUGE size present on my chair. Lols. i was really surprised.
Sadly, none of my girl companions were with me.
I went to 2A no one. 2B no one.2C no one. 2D? all BOYS. -.-
haha. but happy larhs. Then i saw belinda... so i went with her to the hall and everything :/
later, before Ms ng's class, sharmaine gave me a present!
It was from, mellody, veronica, sharmaine, jiaqing. lixia, kenneth, florence, jaslin.woahhh lols
happy happy!!
- skippppppp recess -
Jolene and Lau Ching went to mr seet, took the microphone and said Happy borthday to Bona!!!
Ching said. She loves band lot lot!
sO MR SEET CAME TO ME and gave me the damned microphone. -.-
Damned speechless. i thanked the people who wished me happy birthday and etc...
-End of shool-
Some friends of mine *ahem* will somehow not let me get out of class.
I thought maybe band larhh bcoz all of them were BAND members in 2D. :/
suddenly, veronica randomly said we can use this to blindfold her!!
Lols. she kinda gave me a suspicion. Haha. Mellody was like OI! You stupid or what?
Randomly.. they dragged me out of the classroom.
Kenneth joined them.
Somehow... they won't carry the two big bags of present for me. -.-(very fishyyy)
Then dragged me to the locker area.
Blindfolded me. I dont know how many hands covered my eyes.
All i know is that jia qing said"Ey Bona! You dont walk , ill -----(threat)" (lols)
and suddenly people was like counting 321 or 123... watever.
And Whipped cream smashed onto my face.... -.-
i saw rachel. She was holding a cake. HAHA! i blew the candles.
went to the toilet to wash my face. Lols
then i recieved presents!!! MORE!!!! heeheee :/
rachel and lau ching gave me a pair of reallllyyyy high heels. hahaaa! but it;s pretayyy!
Unfortunately... the shoe was a bit tight so they went to change it. -.-
I have BIG FEET.lols..then jolene gave me this small and cute mini violin!
then ate cake. Then homed with jolene.
While GOing home... random ppl wished me happy birthday... even people i dont know.
People=west spring ppl.
Lols. Out of courtesy yeahhh i said thankss.
then err went homeeeee. couldn't go badn becos of report book. My results all -.-
haha. had a nice time. my mom was like YOU HAVE SUCH NICE FRIENDS!!!
and i was thinking "yeah... who splashed cream on my face"
the next day... went for band. band band. bla bla..
After band.. ai hui and belinda bought me a cake!! SO CUTE!!!
we wanted to have it in the canteen but somehow... the school was closing so we all CHIONGGGGGGGGGG out. lols
we had it in the bus stop around the stairs.
belinda, ai hui, ying wen, darren darius and me!!!!
ate cake. took photos. and parents came to fetch me!!
Thanks to 5 of you!! haha
in total.. i think this was one of my best birthdays everrrrrr!!!! Lols

Thank you EVERYONE!!!! I love you!!!!!


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