Wednesday, March 31, 2010

F U LAH!!!
People are so rude these days.
Like seriously. Do they know anything about RESPECT?
You know i find you people pathethic.
There is like NO absolute reason for you to jeer the band right???
Like ... childish people.
i dont find myself having ever jeered at your CCA's before.
I know you all are STRANGERS to me. We're not even in the same class.
I dont even know your name.
But seriously, whether i am a band member or not, i'll still be DAMN annoyed for JEERING AT others.
I can only say that i feel very sorry for you because i don't think that you fully appreciate the word respect. suckers.

haha! im watching this scary and sad drama right now....
like someone being hanged and someone singing.
its very sad because both never did anything wrong and theyre in love hahas.
Life is so boring now adays..
I feel less appreciated sometimes. MAybe im Thinking too much?
IM PMSINGGGGGGGG which suck alot.
Woah... this is getting boring.


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